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Opinions on the Hogwarts houses

(by Kirby)

So now I’m going to rant about Hogwarts houses and how great they ALL are. :)

So let’s start with Slytherin, shall we?

“In Slytherin, you’ll make your real friends, those cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends.” - The Sorting Hat

If you have just read the Harry Potter series for the first time and so far you think Slytherins are evil… I don’t blame you. JK Rowling did not do good in painting Slytherins in a good light. I’m going to list what Slytherins value in a second. Not their traits, but what they value. Hogwarts houses are not based on how someone acts, but what they value. (although, usually those happen to be the traits of the person in that house)

  • Ambition

  • Determination

  • Leadership

  • resourcefulness

  • cunning

Just saying, nowhere in that list does it say “evil”. It’s just that sometimes those wonderful traits can go wrong based on someone’s trauma, memories, family. Slytherins are great. In fact, it’s my second house. Sometimes slytherins can just be misunderstood. (I’m not saying they’re ALL angels though). Maybe sometimes they just need a reason to trust you before you can trust them. If you want someone to trust you, you must first show you trust them. If you are a Slytherin, you just have to remember some self care tips:

  • Be less critical of yourself and others

  • Stop holding yourself to unattainable standards

  • Open yourself up to others even when you fear rejection

  • Let go of what other people think of you

  • Try something you’re afraid to fail at

Slytherins are great friends to talk to if you need help figuring out a plan to do something, how to set a plan for a goal you have in mind, analyzing something, and helping you go over something you’ve created. They can give you wonderful advice, you just have to take it as constructive criticism, even if it sounds like harsh judgement.

Next up, Gryffindors:

“You might belong in Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart. Their daring nerve and chivalry set Gryffindors apart.” - the Sorting hat

Soo… Gryffindors. My house :) So if you are a long time fan you’ll know there are people who say they’re Gryffindors just because it’s their favorite house because pretty much all the main characters are in Gryffindor. If you are one of those people: finish reading this and you’ll see how great ALL the houses are. Give a chance to the other houses. If you are not one of those people: don’t be quick to assume someone in Gryffindor is like that. There are actually a lot of true Gryffindors in there (namely me ;). Gryffindors may be thought of as hot headed, ignorant, stupid maybe by other houses, but this is not necessarily the case. Gryffindors value:

  • Bravery

  • Chivalry

  • nerve

  • Daring

  • Boldness

  • determination

Sometimes their boldness can sometimes go wrong and they make mistakes, but that doesn’t make them all stupid or anything (cough cough Hermione). Gryffindors are live wires and fun and outgoing, and you gotta love them for it. Sometimes they can get super excited about their passions, but just need a reminder to keep their feet on the ground. Of course, there are some shy gryffindors too. Neville, for one. But remember, someone is sorted into a house based on what they VALUE, not their traits. And if someone is a shy Gryffindor, I think they just need to hang around with fellow Gryffindors to bring out their inner Gryffindor. If you are a Gryffindor, some self care tips are:

  • Do something you’re procrastinating on

  • Jump feet first into a new hobby that excites you

  • Try a new restaurant

  • See things from a different perspective

  • Spend time with friends

  • Have a dance party either by yourself or with friends (loud music of course)

Gryffindors are great people to have fun with and play games. They are passionate about their friends. If they do something impulsive, don’t immediately judge them, just try to be understanding.

Ravenclaw time :)

“Or yet, in wise old ravenclaw, if you’ve a ready mind, where those of wit and learning will always find their kind.” - the sorting hat

Ravenclaws are amazing people. Just because someone is smart or likes to read does not mean they are in Ravenclaw. Ravenclaws are the brain- both sides of it. The left side, which is logical, careful, analytical. The right side is creative, expressive, imaginative. Ravenclaws value:

  • Intelligence

  • Wit

  • Creativity

  • Wisdom

  • Originality

  • Individuality

  • Sharpness

They are not necessarily stuck up. I’m not saying NONE of them are, but definitely not all of them. I mean, have you heard of Luna Lovegood???? Sometimes they can get overwhelmed with the amount of work they put on themselves, or the amount of projects they want to start. If you are a ravenclaw, you may want to:

  • Slow down your mind with meditation

  • Grab a cup of tea and your favorite book

  • Find a new documentary

  • Manage your stress levels

  • Reassure yourself when you start overthinking

  • Watch an ASMR video while you relax

  • If you’re stuck in your head, it’s time to take a deep breath and step back

Ravenclaws are great people to create new things with, start new projects, and ask for help with homework. :) They are always fun friends to ask for help and advice, and they make great witty jokes.

And last but DEFINITELY NOT LEAST (there actually isn't a least), HUFFLEPUFFS!!!

“You might belong in hufflepuff, where they are just and loyal. Those patient hufflepuffs are true and unafraid of toil.” - The Sorting Hat

Now you may think: hufflepuffs are boring. If you think that, get ready for a whole different perspective. Hufflepuffs are not really represented in Harry Potter, but that does not make the people in it boring or not important. The story of how the houses of Hogwarts were founded goes like this:

Godric Gryffindor would take all the people who value bravery into his house.

Salazar Slytherin would take the ones who value ambition and determination.

Rowena Ravenclaw would take all the children who value wisdom, creativity, and wit.

Aaaand Helga Hufflepuff kindly decided to just take all the rest!

Although, the main values of Hufflepuff are:

  • Dedication

  • Hard work

  • Fairness

  • Patience

  • Kindness

  • Tolerance

  • Modesty

  • Loyalty

Doesn’t that just sound like a sweet, amazing bunch? Not boring, not useless, not unimportant. They are great friends who just want to care for you! (well, most of them) If you are a hufflepuff, your care tips are:

  • You have a caring and generous heart. Make sure you’re setting boundaries with the people around you.

  • Turn some of your generosity towards yourself

  • Surround yourself with people who build you up

  • Do work that you love

  • Practice putting yourself first

  • Take a break from work

  • Curl up with a baked good and a book

Hufflepuffs are amazing friends that will stay loyal to you and keep your secrets. They are amazing people to tell them about what you’re feeling, and they will comfort you with their Hufflepuff magic :)

Hogwarts self care photos credit to Blessing Manifesting.

Comment below on YOUR Hogwarts house and opinions on this post!!

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